Lead is a highly toxic metal that was used for many years in products found in and around our homes. Lead may cause a range of health effects, from behavioral problems and learning disabilities, to seizures and death. Children 6 years old and under are most at risk, because their bodies are growing quickly. This…
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Carbon Monoxide Kills: The Invisible Poison
You can't see it, touch it, smell it or feel it, so it must not be there, wrong. The recent tragedy that took place in an affluent suburb of NY, is one we are all too familiar with. A physician and father came home from a night shift at County Medical Center to find everyone…
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Pros & Cons of Pre-listing Inspections
There are pros and cons to pre-listing inspections of which all parties should be aware Pro: Inevitably, a good inspection will locate many major defects (e.g., roof, structure, HVAC, defective materials such as polybutylene, EIFS and aluminum wiring). Many of these items may become critical issues, so it is best to be proactive rather than…
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Is Your Water Safe to Drink?
If your family gets drinking water from a private well, do you know if your water is safe to drink? What health risks could you and your family face? Where can you go for help or advice? The information contained in this web site will help you answer these questions...