Building Inspection & Environmental Experts


Preparing for A Home Inspection

Building Specs wants home owners to know what they need to do prior to a home inspection on a property that you are selling. Many of these items may be taken care of with little or no cost. Some of these items will indicate to the Home Inspector and Buyer, that the house has been…
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Polybutylene Pipes

Building Specs home inspections include inspecting the pipes in your home to ensure that they are not faulty or made from problem materials. Polybutylene pipes are a plastic developed for use as a plumbing product by Shell Oil Company. There are a few problems associated with polybutylene. These problems are associated with homes built from…
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Penicillium Mold is a mold commonly found on home inspections. Building Specs provides environmental home inspections to detect and test for this mold, we also have partners that can remediate Penicillium Mold. A wide number of organisms belong to this genus. Identification to species is difficult. Often found in aerosol samples. Commonly found in soil,…
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Aspergillus Mold

There are more than 160 different species of Aspergillus, 16 of which have been documented as etiological agents of human disease. The aspergilli are probably the most common group of fungi in our environment. Many species of the genus are frequently isolated from a variety of substrata, including forage products, grains, nuts, cotton, organic debris…
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